RSA 키 (2048)

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Five Things You Don't Know About Car Accident Attorney Dothan

페이지 정보

작성자 Boyce
댓글 0건 조회 47회 작성일 22-11-12 10:40


Dothan Car Wreck Lawyer

It is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible after being injured in an auto accident. Medical records will be needed to pursue compensation. A dothan car wreck attorney lawyer for car wrecks can help you with this. Hollis Wright & Clay can assist you in obtaining compensation for your injuries.

Dan Nelson

Dan Nelson is a Dothan car wreck lawyer and assists people in the Hartselle area of Alabama. He has vast experience representing people in car wrecks or motorcycle collisions, truck accidents as well as slip and fall cases, nursing home neglect and abuse, and wrongful death cases. He will advocate for you and pressure the insurance company to pay as little as they can to the victim.

Jonathan Stokes

You might have questions about filing a claim in the event that you or someone you know was involved in an automobile accident. It is important that you seek out an attorney who is experienced in handling personal injury cases. You need to partner with an attorney who is committed to getting you the justice that you deserve. The lawyers at Stokes Stemle, LLC are dedicated to helping victims of injury obtain maximum compensation for their injuries.

Jonathan Stokes, an experienced attorney, practices in dothan truck accident lawyer and Auburn, dothan car accident lawyers Alabama. Prior to that, he worked for private law firms in Richmond, Virginia, handling cases ranging from class action settlements to criminal defense , as well as landlord-tenant issues. He then joined forces to form Stokes Stemle LLC with Joshua Stemle. He is a member of the Alabama and Virginia bars. His wife, Taylor-Lee Stokes, is a district attorney assistant in Chambers County, Alabama.

If you or someone you care about has been involved in a car accident, you may want to consider hiring Jonathan Stokes. The lawyer will be able to evaluate the situation and determine the most appropriate course of action for your situation. He will also investigate the incident and gather medical records to make sure that your rights are protected. Jonathan Stokes will guide you through the claim process to ensure that you receive the right amount of compensation.

Steven Rodgers Hamner

If you're searching for Personal injury attorney dothan al a dothan motorcycle accident lawyer car wreck lawyer, Steven Rodgers Hamner might be the one you're looking for. He was an experienced claims adjuster and he was raised in Montgomery. He earned his undergraduate degree from Auburn University and has worked in the insurance industry for dothan auto accident attorney more than 15 years. After that, he returned to school, attending the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama. He was clerk for a Dothan personal injury attorney dothan al injury law firm during law school.

After an impressive clerkship, Hamner established Carey & Hamner, P.C. with two other law partners. Hamner was an insurance claims adjuster for 15 years before he entered law school. This experience , along with his legal education help him provide his clients with a powerful legal service. Aside from being a Dothan car wreck lawyer, Hamner enjoys playing guitar and playing sports.


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