RSA 키 (2048)

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Most popular techniques to get rid of unwanted hair (sugaring) appeare…

페이지 정보

작성자 Bridgett
댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 22-10-15 19:10


Smooth and pleasant to the touch skin is the dream of any girl, because you always want to look spectacular and seductive. In the fight against unwanted hairs, many opt for a razor. But this type of depilation causes a lot of inconvenience: irritation, cuts, inflammation in delicate areas and, of course, rapidly growing bristles.

Another way to get rid of unwanted hair is laser hair removal. The procedure is expensive, it also has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, a fresh tan, tattoos on those parts of the body where hairs need to be removed. In addition, laser hair removal should not be carried out 2 weeks before the holidays: there is a risk of burns on the treated areas of the body.

What to choose? A great alternative would be bioepilation with shugaring. By choosing this method, you can forget about unwanted hairs, shaving and prickly hairs for three weeks. You can visit the beach or pool the very next day after the procedure. You can safely sunbathe - this is not a contraindication. The main thing is that there should be no damage to the skin or sunburn on the epilated areas.

What is shugaring?

Sugaring is a relatively new salon procedure that has managed to gain popularity among girls in just a couple of years. In addition, unlike other types of hair removal, shugaring is available to everyone, it has no contraindications and side effects. Together with the hairs, the top layer of keratinized skin is also removed, which makes it even more tender and smooth. This method of depilation is suitable even for those with sensitive skin: after shugaring there is no long-term redness or irritation. The paste with which the master works is at room temperature, which negates the appearance of burns, as happens with wax depilation.

7 facts in favor of shugaring

1. Sugar paste equally easily removes both delicate fluffy and coarse hairs. Sugaring can be done anywhere on the body. In the bikini area, the effect lasts for 3 weeks, which gives absolute comfort and self-confidence.

2. Already after the first procedure, your hair will grow back more slowly. They will become thinner and softer, sugar hair removal they will not prick, as happens after shaving. This is especially true for visible areas, such as the face and hands, as well as the intimate area.

3. Sugar paste gently envelops the hair and penetrates to its very base. The paste is applied against growth and removed with a sharp movement along the hair growth. This technique practically does not cause pain, so the procedure is easily tolerated even by those who have a low pain threshold. If you still have very sensitive skin and epilation causes discomfort, you can use local anesthetics.

4. Sugaring gently removes the entire hair, including the root. This ensures that there are no broken hairs, and when they grow back, they will not grow.

5. After shugaring, there is no unpleasant sticky feeling on the skin. Unlike waxing, after which mineral oil is used to remove residual wax, which causes clogging of pores and a filmy feeling on the skin. Residues of sugar paste are simply washed off with water.

6. Unlike wax, which is heated to a hot temperature, sugar paste heats up just a little. As a result, the procedure is very comfortable.

7. In addition to direct hair removal, you get a gentle peeling of the skin. Agree, a very nice bonus without additional costs.

To reduce skin sensitivity and ensure comfort during the procedure, many specialists use a special menthol gel that allows you to nullify pain even in the most sensitive areas.


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