RSA 키 (2048)

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Do you realize that you can get rid of part or all of your electricity…

페이지 정보

작성자 Kelley
댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 23-11-28 15:49


Do you realize that you can get rid of part or all of your electricity bill by making your own, low-cost permanent magnet generator? There is zero outlay to generate electric power this way, even though the machine requires some electricity to keep it spinning up to speed. The apparatus even generates its own electrical power for that. When it is rotating at full speed, it uses no outside electricity at all to keep it running perpetually. In truth, these generators are capable of putting out around five times the electrical power they require to keep operating.

How much do the parts cost to put together a permanent magnet generator? The cost may surprise you: Between one hundred and five hundred dollars, depending on the size of the permanent magnetic generator and, to make things easy, the parts are easily purchased just about anywhere. You can locate them at your nearby hardware or home improvement store.

Complete schematics, parts lists and instructions are currently sold for a very low price, often less than $50. These directions are so trouble-free to adhere to that just about any person can easily construct a permanent magnet generator without help. When you have built one or two for yourself, it is easy to launch a profitable business concerned with making these devices for the public. If you end up producing More Info electrical current than you can use and if you are still connected to city power, you can sell the excess back to the electric utility when your meter functions backwards.

Permanent magnet generators are pollution-free and emit no toxic fumes. They are not noisy and don't require much room. You could even install one inside a city apartment to decrease your electricity bill to nothing. Some individuals construct small permanent magnet generators to furnish part of their power needs, thus bringing down their monthly bill from the electric power company. Others construct bigger permanent magnet generators that can produce around 7000 watts, sufficient to run a small house. If you have to have even more electricity, you can easily wire the output of 2 or more generators together to create any quantity of free electrical current.

To give you an idea of what seven thousand watts of power can power, I own a sixteen hundred square foot dwelling in Hawaii that has been completely run on solar power since 1999. It has an array of forty solar panels, each with an output of 75 watts. 40 x 75 watts = 3000 watts. With just three thousand watts (and a battery bank), I can use my computer and refrigerator all day, cook my meals in a microwave oven and use a toaster. At night, I can watch 1 or 2 DVD's while powering a small TV and a surround sound system. I keep the lights switched off when not needed. All light bulbs are the fluorescent type.

In the summer, when the Hawaiian sun shines brightly from dawn to dusk, I never even need to consider how much electric power I am consuming. In the winter, when the days are shorter and when there are more overcast days, I have to turn off the main power switch before I go to bed and turn it back on after sunrise. The electrical refrigerator just "coasts" all night and the food is still reasonably cold in the morning. Where I experience difficulty is if I have to deal with an all-day overcast for 2 or more consecutive days. Then, I need to use a back-up three thousand-watt gasoline generator to keep the house electrified and the solar batteries charged. This happens maybe three to four times a winter and hardly ever occurs in the summer.

A permanent magnet generator, unlike a solar system or a wind turbine, can function twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and it generates the same amount of power day and night, rain or shine. You can employ it to charge a battery bank, like solar (but around the clock) or you can just forget the expensive, high-maintenance batteries and connect it to your breaker panel directly. I could use a permanent magnet generator to replace my gasoline solar backup generator. I did not know about permanent magnet generators in 1999 when I paid over $30,000 to build my solar electric system. I will soon need to replace the six giant solar batteries which will cost another $14,000.

Like an electric motor, a permanent magnet generator contains moving parts, so it does require a certain, minor amount of periodic maintenance due to wear and tear. A permanent magnet generator, running continually should last at least ten years. And, when it finally does wear out, the cost of building (or rebuilding) a replacement is very low, as has already been discussed.

A permanent magnet generator functions on the principle of attracting and repelling magnetic poles. An array of permanent magnets spins a flywheel which, in turn, drives a generator. In short, it uses magnets and magnetic force to produce perpetual power. It will continue operating, even in extreme heat or below-freezing temperatures.

If you are thinking that all of this is too good to be true, just know that hundreds of these permanent magnet generators have already been made, around the world, and most all of them are operating just fine. What better proof could you ask for?

About the Author:

Bob Gillespie writes on many subjects including permanent magnet electrical generators. He is a full-time Internet marketer and author who lives on the island of Maui in Hawaii. Learn more about permanent magnet electrical generators at Bob's blog at: website Other blogs of possible interest: website and website You Can Get Rid of Your Electric Bill Foreveraiml-how-did-we-get-here-576x324.jpg


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