E [45, 46]. Therefore, we separated membrane-bound and cytosolic proteins of Panc-1 COSMC knockdown cells and control cells. Western blot analysis revealed that Nucleolin and GRP78 are membrane localized in pancreatic cancer cells, confirming previous findings. Furthermore, Annexin A2 and -Enolase were also detected in membrane protein fractions of Panc-1 COSMC knockdown cells and control cells. Successful cellular fractionation was confirmed using antibodies targeting Her2 and GAPDH (Fig. 3d).COSMC knockdown promotes migration and survival and inhibits proliferation in PDAC cells in vitro.L3.6pl COSMC knockdown cells showed a 44 reduction of apoptosis rate (p =0.017) compared to control (Fig. 4d).Tn antigen and Nucleolin are frequently co-localized in PDAC patient specimensTo gain relevant insights into COSMC function in pancreatic cancer cells, we first analyzed whether COSMC might influence proliferation of Panc-1 cells. Interestingly, analysis of Panc-1 COSMC knockdown cells by MTT assay revealed a strong reduction in proliferation, compared to control cells (p PubMed ID:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16989806 that are attached, for instance to various mucins [47]. In malignant cells, a complex interplay of various glycosyltransferases/chaperones promotes a reduced expression of long branched glycans and concomitant increase truncated glycans (Tn antigen). To analyze whether pancreatic cancer cells display such truncated glycans on the MS-based identified Nucleolin, we analyzed 43 different PDAC patient specimens using VVL-mediated detection of Tn antigen and its possible co-localization with Nucleolin using specific antibodies. To exclude possible cross-reactivity of VVL with other blood
Capecitabine group determinants (A and AB) [29], we solely analyzed PDAC specimens derived from nonA and non-AB blood group patients. The degree of Tn expression and Nucleolin expression partially reflects the degree of co-localization. In fact, co-localization was determined in 3 groups: 1.